Free Frame

FestFoto Brazil 2024 Call for Entries

The exhibition “Free Frame”, which is the result of the FestFoto Brazil Call for Entries, is a group show of international photography, where brazilian photographers engage in a visual dialogue with photographers from all over the world through the theme of the Call for Entries, enabling this dialogue to be mediated in each scenario of the international photographic community.

The theme of the FestFoto Brazil 2024 Call for Entries will be Free Frame, a free territory for image dialogue. We want the idea of a photogram, free of themes, restraints, censorship and social, political, racial, gender and ethnic limits, to be the hallmark of this Call for Entries, opening up a territory for you to show us where your gaze and creative process are going.
We want to see work that addresses racial issues and is produced by black photographers. That address LGBTQ+ gender issues and are produced by photographers from this social territory. We want to see photographs produced by indigenous photographers.

[Climate Crisis Alert]
As a result of the floods that hit Rio Grande do Sul and the city of Porto Alegre in May, FestFoto is joining the current debates on the reality of the Climate Crisis across the planet. So, if your work addresses this issue, please feel invited to register for the 2024 Call for Entries so that we can display a broad panel of causes and consequences and solutions so that we can once again balance our presence in the local and global ecosystem.

The FestFoto 2024 Call for Entries is open to all photographers from all over the world and welcomes entries in two categories:
Multimedia – with a video presentation of an authorial exhibition of no more than 3 minutes in length.
Portfolio – with a maximum of 15 images.

A jury made up of national and international curators will select 10 finalists from the two categories who will be exhibited at FestFoto 2024. Of the 10 finalists, one winner will be chosen for the Multimedia category and one winner for the Portfolio category. The two winners will receive a Free Passport to participate in the International Online Portfolio Reviews Platform FestFoto Brazil 2024. The top 5 winners will have their work reviewed on the FestFoto website throughout 2024/2025.

During the selection process we will also be displaying on our website a gallery of submitted works that caught the eye of our jury.
The FestFoto Brazil 2024 Call for Entries maintains its partnership with the LensCulture platform, one of the world’s largest online platforms for the discovery and dissemination of contemporary photography with a global audience of more than 2 million people. During the registration process you will be invited to use the LensCulture platform to register for the FestFoto Brazil 2024 Call for Entries.

Entries – POSTPONED until 20 of June 2024

ATTENTION: The LensCulture link button will not appear if you are not registered and logged in to the FestFoto website.
Before going to the LensCulture platform, please read the Call Rules carefully by clicking on the button below on the left. After reading the Call Rules and logging in to LensCulture you will be asked to open a free account. If you already have a LensCulture account, you will be directed to the Call for Entries page.

Choose one of the two categories and follow the instructions. In the Portfolio Category you must send a maximum of 15 images. In the Multimedia Category, you must provide the link to the video hosted on Youtube. Registration is only complete once the registration fee has been paid and validated.

The deadline is 20 June 2024. The entry fee is US$20.00 (in US dollars). The results will be announced on 30 June 2024 and the selected works will be exhibited during FestFoto Brazil, from 17 August to 1 September 2024.

Welcome to the FestFoto 2024 Call for Entries!

This content is for members only.

Denise Camargo
Brasília/BrazilBlack woman artist, photographer, educator and cultural manager.Her artistic work encompasses the poetics of relationships, the
Ester Menezes
Pernambuco/Brazil Ester Menezes, 24, an indigenous woman born in Pernambuco/Brazil. She is a multi-artist and researcher immersed in the languages of
Jim Casper
Editor-in-Chief LensCulture, The Netherlands Jim Casper is the editor-in-chief of LensCulture, one of the leading online destinations to discover
Liu Xiaoxia
China Liu Xiaoxia, professor of English at Taiyuan University of Technology, has been deeply involved in organising the Pingyao International
Niyatee Shinde
Mumbai/India Niyatee Shinde, Director and Curator of Turmeric Earth Art Projects Pvt. Ltd / Founding Director of Zalor India International
Irina Chmyreva
Moscow/Russia Historian of photography; curator of photography exhibitions. Member of AICA. Currently lives in Moscow. She is a leading researcher at
Ioana Mello
Brazil/France Brazil/France She has a degree in communication, a master’s degree in art history from PUC-Rio and another in aesthetics and
Sinara Sandri
Brazil/Portugal Journalist, Director of FestFoto, PhD in Communication, Master in History of Brazil Researcher in post-doctoral internship at the
Monica Maia
São Paulo/Brazil Mônica Maia is an editor, curator and cultural producer. She is the creator of the Mulheres Luz project, a platform for
Glaucia Nogueira
Brazil/France Co-founder of IANDE, an association/collective/platform that establishes a cultural link between Europe and Brazil. IANDE aims to